Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Kroger savings!

Today I really felt great about my Kroger shopping trip. My total balance was 176.08. My total savings.... $95.05. That was all in the same shopping trip. The Enterainment Book was a great source of savings today. It had 15% off coupon for the month of July. Along with my other coupons it really saved me a lot of money. Of course I used this one first to maximize my savings, and then I used my coupons. Total 30.55 in Mnf. coupons, 1.95 in doubles coupons, 62.55 in store coupons and kroger plus card savings. That included my 15% discount with the kroger coupons. The coupon paid for the whole book, which was free with my 2009 order, and there are so many other great coupons to take advantage of before this year is over. Not only did I get two weeks or more worth of groceries, I got a Venus Razor (ecoupons and sunday incerts), Toilet paper, two packs of batteries(duracell), Johnsons Baby soap, Downy Fabric Softner and much much more. Look for the savings! Save your money for a rainy day, or a sunny vacation. It is so easy! Your family will appreciate it, and you will find yourself being able to buy NameBrand Items that you normally would not have purchased.


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